
Reticle Web Marketing

Our Methodology

Reticle Web Marketing’s Objective Oriented Methodology is a synthesis of ideas from Object Oriented Software Engineering method and lightweight methodologies like Agile and Extreme Methods involving automated unit testing, continuous integration, and frequent, iterative delivery. This new method attempts a useful compromise between no process and too much process, providing just enough process to gain a reasonable payoff.

This Objective Oriented MethodologyTM comes out of bureaucracy of the engineering methodologies and it is driven from the fact that each project has different objectives. Therefore instead of enforcing a project into a methodology, only those elements are selected that are appropriate for the project at hand.

Following are some of the benefits of our Object Oriented Methodology

  • Customer is involved through the process resulting in high customer satisfaction
  • Costs and timelines are predictable
  • Our iterative planning technique reduces risk
  • Security is built into every Jonah application
  • Our applications are scalable
  • Process overhead is minimized
  • New requirements are accommodated accordingly
  • Program structure is based on business objects
  • The application is tested throughout the project